We, here at Miletti Law®, have committed ourselves to the creation of enlightening and educative content, which aims to keep you, our unusually motivated® readers, #InTheKnow about issues that affect you and/or your businesses. Usually, the content features as videos that are posted on our YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtvUryqkkMAJLwrLu2BBt6w and blogs that are published on our website WWW.MILETTILAW.COM.

In Part I of this series, we mentioned that sexual harassment in the workplace has become a very sensitive legal issue today, especially following a renewed interest in litigations concerning this type of harassment and abuse, which has been spurred by the #MeToo Movement. As the authoritative force in Employment and Labor Law today, we drive to provide both employers and employees with tips and guidance on how to remain compliant with the law on workplace anti-harassment policy and, thus, helping them to stay ahead of the game.

Accordingly, because we are a firm of our word and we honor our promises, we endeavor to update this series with enlightening and trustworthy information in a manner that only Miletti Law®, can. As such, we’re thrilled to move forward the discussion and provide employers with a hands-on guide on how to disseminate and implement an anti-harassment policy in their workplaces.

That being said and having developed an effective sexual abuse and harassment response and prevention policy in Part I, we now hammer the discussion on how to disseminate and implement this policy in this blog, which is Part II of the series.

How to Disseminate and Implement a Sexual Harassment Policy in the Workplace

Before we dive right into the subject matter, it’s crucial to remember that, as mentioned in Part I of this series, an anti-harassment policy acts as a road map through which sexual harassment and abuse complaints in the workplace are responded to and a legal framework through which sexual harassment and abuse complaints are investigated, resolved, and prevented. Unfortunately, irrespective of how well you’ve exhausted ideas and drafted it, an anti-harassment policy must be effectively disseminated and widely implemented if it’s going to serve its purpose of preventing sexual harassment and abuse in the workplace. In fact, because of the resistance that comes along with it, the dissemination and implementation of policies in any workplace is always the elephant in the room. Therefore, you should, as an employer, invest heavily, both in the terms of time and resources, on how the anti-harassment policy is disseminated and implemented.

Accordingly, here are some pro tips that would help you to disseminate and implement the anti-harassment policy effectively and successfully:

Provide Each Employee with a Copy

The anti-harassment policy should be distributed to all employees irrespective of their position in the business or company and/or relationship with the employer. Preferably, the anti-harassment policy should be incorporated as part and parcel of the employee’s handbook. We’ve mentioned in the past that an employee’s handbook creates a presumption in the courtroom that, in case an employee sues you for sexual harassment & abuse, you could confidently say that, based on the handbook, we attest to a non-harassment policy in our business or company.

Post the Anti-Harassment Policy

Employers should ensure that, in addition to providing each employee with a copy, the policy has been prominently posted on their website, in offices/departments/stores, and/or bulletin boards in as many locations as possible in the workplace.

Conduct Employee Training

Employers should conduct training sessions in which employees are familiarized with every detail regarding the anti-harassment policy. It is recommended that training should be done on a regular basis, preferably after every 3 months, or based on the rate of employee turnover and hiring.

Ensure that all Employees have acknowledged the Policy

Now that all employees have their copies and have undergone training sessions on anti-harassment, it’s time for them to sign acknowledgement forms in which they accept to have received copies, undergone training, and being covered under the sexual harassment policy in the workplace.

Conduct Training for Human Resource Personnel, Managers and/or Supervisors

All human resource personnel, managers and/or supervisors should be provided with additional training as the enforcers and role models of adherence to the anti-harassment policy. Training should dwell on the potential for personal liability for individual actions in addressing sexual harassment, how to investigate, resolve, and handle complaints of harassment, and prevent harassment of or by their subordinates.

In Part III of this series, we’re going hammer on how sexual harassment complaints in the workplace should be investigated and resolved impartially, thoroughly, and promptly. Stay tuned, we now have a date!! In the interim, if there are any questions or comments, please reach out and let us know at the Contact Us page!