Real Time Q&A – Video # 4 Filings For $150
EmploymentLast week, we published a blog in which we aimed to answer whether "one can terminated for leaving work early" as a way of responding to questions tha ...
Last week, we published a blog in which we aimed to answer whether "one can terminated for leaving work early" as a way of responding to questions tha ...
Generally, Title VII and the NYSHRL are very comprehensive and complex in their provisions. However, what does each law say about individual liability ...
In our blogs on the provisions and statutes provided by the law towards protecting individuals (whether employees, interns, or job applicants) against ...
Generally, the State of New York has taken a much broader approach when it comes to protecting employees against discrimination, harassment, and retal ...
There are many reasons why an individual’s employment can be terminated. If not being laid off or quitting, an employee can also be fired by their e ...
Title VII is a comprehensive federal law and provision of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that protects Americans from discrimination, harassment, and re ...